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Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How long has CRS been in business?

    1. CRS has been in business since 2002.
    2.Can I get directions to CRS?

    1. CRS is easy to locate. Please see printable directions under the “download” section of our website.
    3. Can I throw mercury lamps into the trash?

    1. Fluorescent and HID lamps contain mercury which is toxic and harmful. Federal regulations require that spent hazardous waste lamps be managed properly. Most states allow lamps to be managed as “Universal Waste”, providing that they are recycled. If lamps are not recycled, they must be managed as hazardous waste.
    4. What if I only have small amounts of recyclables?

    1. No problem. CRS can provide a recycling solution for all customers. Please visit our prepaid recycling page and look at all of our CRS-PAKS. They are small containers that can be shipped directly to you and once filled, shipped back to CRS for processing. For one price, the container, shipping to you and back to CRS, recycling and a certificate or recycling are provided.
    5. What about “green end” lamps or TCLP compliant lamps?

    1. The low mercury bulbs are lamps that pass the TCLP test for mercury, meaning that if they were broken/crushed in a landfill; the mercury that leaches into the environment would be below the permissible levels. The lamps still contain mercury and most state agencies and manufacturers do recommend recycling for handling.
    6. How do I know the regulations in my state?

    1. Many states regulations vary frequently. Please visit for an update on your state’s regulations pertaining to lamp recycling. You may also access their website under our “useful links” section.
    7. How do I choose the right recycler for my lamps?

    1. Choosing the proper recycler is not always easy when it comes to mercury. It is important to know that you are dealing with a company that is going to properly handle the materials. A few important items to look for: the company processes their own material on site; the company has mercury distillation capabilities in house; the company will provide me with a certificate of recycling ensuring all lamps have been processed.